Tuesday, April 19, 2011

MOPS Easter Egg Hunt

Last Monday, April 11, Michael went hunting for eggs in a field out by our MOPS church.

Here's Michael's before picture - with an empty Easter basket and a field full of chocolate/sticker filled plastic:
My friend's daughter really wanted to be in the picture.

They said, "Ready, set, go" and the kids were already on the field by "set":

Michael had an awesome time.

As judged by his loot:
This picture might be better:
Afterwards, we had a picnic at a nearby park and played outside since the weather was beautiful. Fun Monday. Also the Monday where I couldn't get my car inspected because I had no idea where my registration was or what it looked like.

Turns out it was a rectangular piece of paper that looks like a check that had been laying on my island for 2-3 weeks getting grease stains and water spilled on it.

Yup, that would be my registration.

Also, did you know a cracked windshield fails inspection? Somehow in the Besancon household, we have had to pay for 2 windshields to be replaced in the last 2 months. YEA US!


Brandi said...

:o( No Easter egg hunt for us this year. That's one of the things I don't like about being overseas, you miss out on the usual American traditions. Happy Easter!

phuong said...

Ya know...I miss our traditions in Paris! One year, we went to an Easter egg hunt at a chateaux! And for Christmas, we'd go to a Christmas market in Germany-ish. So while I am happy to have an abundance of Easter-themed events to go to - I also miss some of our memories we used to make in Paris!

Tracy said...

Awesome!! I love the last picture of Michael with his basket. Priceless. :o) Happy Easter!!